Saturday, July 22, 2006

Good News

By Tressa
I guess this is to compare my thoughts and attitudes about coming here now to how I felt about it when I first started. When I first started here at ALC I felt a little scared, and a little nervous, but the folks up here made me feel real welcome. I have been out of school for about twenty-two years, yea I’m an old critter, but that’s o.k. because most of us up here are too (no offense).
I guess my worst fear was that I was not smart enough or that everyone would think I was just plain stupid. Good news!! I’m not that dumb after all, and these good ole folks up here helped me to see and believe that. Before I came to ALC the thought of going off to college was very intimidating, but not now I’m actually a little excited to go.
The people up here are the best; I mean it they really are. I can honestly say that I will miss these fine folks; they have helped prepare us for another step in our lives. I know that we would not have been ready for this if it had not been for this program and its caring people.
So I guess in conclusion to my little comparison essay, I would have to say THANK YOU ALC for all your help and good works.