Monday, August 07, 2006

Self Confidence

Preparing to enter the world of returning to school
By Melanie
Just the thought of remedial training scared me to death. I never thought I had it in me to return to the world of numbers and reading and writing. My teachers were very encouraging for me. I really learned a lot of new things that I would have never learned on my own.
I learned computer skills that I now use every day even at home. My writing skills have improved and our teacher has even published a few of my writings on a class web site. It has given me self confidence that I never knew I had. I mastered a 40 word per minute on the Mavis Typing Beacon as well. I even got to relearn the dreaded MATH. I believe I have relearned enough math to successfully get me through college.
College will start on August 14th. I am excited and scared all at the same time, just like I was when I first started CAP classes. But now I am a little more secure with myself. I believe you can do anything you set your mind to. You just have to have the ambition to do it and do it well.
Thank you CAP for helping me achieve my goals and it's on to college this fall.

Wonderful Learning Experience

By Linda A.
Coming to CAP Adult Learning Center for the first time was pretty scary. When we took the TABE test, I said, “They’ll probably put me back in Kindergarten.” I’m glad my scores weren’t that bad. Actually, I was pleased with them considering I had been out of school for so long. Math was my biggest concern. I had taken algebra and geometry in high school, but I had forgotten most of what I learned. Algebra was not one of my favorite subjects and I wondered if I would ever learn it again. On the other hand, Geometry was one of my favorite subjects, so I felt more confident about doing it again. I also knew there would be a lot of writing in college, which is not one of my strong points. I love to read, but I have never liked to write. The computer was another thing I knew almost nothing about, but I knew I was going to have to learn.
Attending classes at the Adult Learning Center has been such a wonderful learning experience. When I first started I never thought I’d be sharing my writing with others. I’m still not a very good writer, but now it doesn’t bother me so much to share my writing. I would never have dreamed I could help anyone on the computer either, but now with my notes I can. Without my notes I’m as lost as they are. Sometimes I can even help others with math problems.
Back in February I had no idea I would ever be able to do this.In three weeks I’ll start college classes for the first time. This is scary and at the same time exciting. Without the help I have received at the Adult Learning Center, there’s no way I could have went to college. I probably wouldn’t have made it through the first week. Now I feel more confident about being able to do the work. I know I will have to study a lot to get through college. At my age, I don’t remember things as well as I once did. I’m glad to be starting college with people I worked with at Rockcastle Manufacturing. This way I won’t feel so out of place with the younger students.