Monday, August 07, 2006

Self Confidence

Preparing to enter the world of returning to school
By Melanie
Just the thought of remedial training scared me to death. I never thought I had it in me to return to the world of numbers and reading and writing. My teachers were very encouraging for me. I really learned a lot of new things that I would have never learned on my own.
I learned computer skills that I now use every day even at home. My writing skills have improved and our teacher has even published a few of my writings on a class web site. It has given me self confidence that I never knew I had. I mastered a 40 word per minute on the Mavis Typing Beacon as well. I even got to relearn the dreaded MATH. I believe I have relearned enough math to successfully get me through college.
College will start on August 14th. I am excited and scared all at the same time, just like I was when I first started CAP classes. But now I am a little more secure with myself. I believe you can do anything you set your mind to. You just have to have the ambition to do it and do it well.
Thank you CAP for helping me achieve my goals and it's on to college this fall.